Homework Assignment 1 601.467/667 Introduction to Human Language Technology Fall 2022 Due: Friday September 28, 2022

September 7, 2022

In this assignment, we will look at some of the algorithms we covered in the first 2 weeks of lectures: n-gram language modeling, and constituency parsing with the CYK algorithm.

All the questions and related instructions can be found on this Google Colab link.

What to hand-in

Instructions for submission can be found on the notebook. You will turn in the completed notebook on Gradescope. Remember to:

1.   Paste the viewable link in the box provided in the notebook.

2.   Select pages for the respective questions on Gradescope.

For this assignment, you are required to work independently, i.e., you may not collaborate with other students. You are allowed to discuss general concepts and ideas related to the assignment, but you must not discuss actual solutions. A total of 109 (+10 general extra credit, +5/10 leaderboard extra credit) points can be earned in this assignment.

How to submit

Enroll yourself in the Gradescope class (entry code provided on Piazza) and submit the notebook before 11.59 PM (EDT) on September 28, 2022 (Wednesday). Late submission policy is on the course website. If you face any technical/other difficulties, please contact the TA/CAs on Piazza.